
What to expect in the first few days with your newborn

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Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! The first few days after giving birth are an incredible and transformative time for both you and your baby. Here's what you can expect during this precious period:

Baby's Development

During the first few days after birth, your baby will go through various developmental changes as they adapt to their new environment. Here are some key aspects to anticipate:

1. Bonding and Attachment

Your baby will seek closeness and comfort through physical contact, recognising and responding to your touch, voice, and scent. Skin-to-skin contact is highly beneficial for bonding and breastfeeding initiation.

2. Feeding Patterns

In the early days, your baby's feeding patterns may be irregular as they establish their feeding routine. They will typically have frequent feedings, ranging from every hour to every few hours, to meet their nutritional needs and support their growth.

3. Sleeping Patterns

Newborns tend to sleep for shorter periods, waking up frequently for feeding and diaper changes. They often follow a pattern of sleeping, waking, and then sleeping again.

4. Reflexes

Your baby will exhibit various reflexes, such as sucking, rooting, grasping, and startle reflexes. These reflexes are normal and indicate healthy neurological development.

Post-Labour Recovery

As you recover from labour and adjust to life with your newborn, your body will undergo its own healing process. Here's what you can expect during the post-labour recovery period:

1. Physical Discomfort

You may experience physical discomfort, including uterine contractions (afterpains), soreness or tenderness in the perineal area, breast engorgement, and possible incision pain if you had a caesarean birth. These discomforts gradually subside over time.

For the perineal area, we recommend Zita West Comfort Down Under, a soothing blend of essential oils and plant extracts cools on contact and helps keep the perineum clean and fresh and is safe to use with stitches.

We also recommend Zita West Revital Essence, which includes important nutrients to support you, as well as your feeding baby should you choose to breastfeed.

2. Hormonal Changes

Your body will undergo hormonal changes as it adapts to postpartum life. You may experience mood swings, night sweats, and hormonal fluctuations as your body regulates itself. It's essential to prioritise self-care and seek support during this time.

3. Breastfeeding Challenges

Establishing breastfeeding can come with its challenges. It may take time for both you and your baby to get the hang of it. Seek guidance from lactation consultants or healthcare providers to ensure proper latch and milk supply.

4. Emotional Adjustment

It is common to experience a range of emotions, including joy, exhaustion, overwhelm, and vulnerability, as you adjust to the demands of caring for a newborn. Be gentle with yourself and reach out for emotional support when needed.

Remember, every baby and postpartum experience is unique. Trust your instincts, be patient with yourself and your baby, and don't hesitate to seek professional guidance when necessary. Enjoy this precious time of bonding, discovery, and growth.

Further reading

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