Our Ultimate Pregnant Mama Pack - Trimester 3 Support Pack contains everything we would recommend for the third trimester of pregnancy including multivitamins, minerals, essential fats & omega-3, friendly bacteria and vitamin D.
We recommend taking our supplements with a meal, for the products that have multiple doses it is best to split throughout the day if possible. If this is not possible, then it is completely safe to take all at once to ensure you are taking the recommended dose each day.
For Her |
Vital Essence 3 - 2 capsules per day |
Vital DHA - 2 capsules per day
Vitamin D spray - 1 spray per day |
Psyllium Husk - 1-2 capsules per day |
There are no interactions with our supplements so you can take them in any order that suits you. We have given an example of how you could take the supplements across the day. The first and second meal can be breakfast, lunch or dinner.

If taking the supplements out of the packaging, ensure they are kept somewhere dry and away from direct sunlight.
Our Ultimate Pregnant MamaTrimester 3 Support Pack is a month's supply (Vitamin D 3 months)